
Malcolm McLeod Interview

NT / 8 August 2015

Hi, this is Nick from Motus Training. I'm here with one of our clients Malcolm McLeod who has kindly agree to talk to us a bit about his experience training with us.

Hi Malcolm, thank you again for taking your time to do this for me. Please could you start by introducing yourself and tell us about how and why you came to get in touch with the team here at Motus initially?

I came in touch basically through my family, my two sons have been training here for a couple of years and my daughter also occasionally trains here.

So, did they persuade you or influence you to approach us?

No, not at all, I had been thinking about it for a long time, when you get to my age you think you may need to do something about it. I had been getting stiffer and didn't want to end up immobile or unable to do active things.

Do you think training here benefited you?

Most definitely, I have just said to David I will definitely be signing up for another 12 months. As far as I am concerned this is part of my life.

How long have you been coming and how much do you train?

I have been here 4 months and train twice a week, which is fine because I still run a business and do other things in my spare time, although I would always love to do more training but sometimes time doesn't allow that.

Obviously you train with us in the studio, do you also utilise other services such as the nutrition expertise on offer and biosignature?

Yes, I have the biosignature done every fortnight, which is heading in the right direction and along with the nutrition which is obviously extremely important I find myself becoming healthier. It makes a hell of a difference. Even something so simple as breakfast – I never knew what to eat for breakfast, but now 6 mornings a week I will have fish!

Brilliant! So, for other people who possibly don't train with us, but may be interested, how would you explain your experience here compared to any other personal training or fitness work you have done before?

I haven't done a lot of fitness work in the past, the last I did was on a static bike without any focus. Whereas here, everything seems to have a place, focus and is part of a big jigsaw. That is why I enjoy it and it has made me feel a lot fitter. I have lost a stone – which makes me feel better and my trousers not so tight!

As part of your program, which part do you find most beneficial (strength, mobility, flexibility…)?

I enjoy strength work most because it wakes my body up and I am always being tested and pushed further. Even just the warm up of a session gives me more movement and I feel like a move freer.

And has this benefited you in day to day life?

Most definitely, even simple things like bending down and tying my shoelaces or gardening are no problem now – the whole thing just makes me feel good, even more alert mentally. My eyes have opened to the amount of food I pile on my plate and what I eat which is something so simple and hasn't taken much to change.

Do you find it beneficial you can monitor your progress over time?

Oh yes, it gets you thinking about those couple of days before your biosignature, eating healthily in an attempt to keep it low!

Finally, is there anything else you feel is relevant to mention?

I feel that in terms of people my age who probably think it's too late to train or do exercise but I would encourage anybody who has got a certain amount of fitness or mobility to come and do this and keep on doing it forever. It is never too late – it has worked for me and I believe it will for others. It is just that feeling of the workout setting you up for the rest of the day.

Malcolm thank you very much for your time.


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