Anna Ogilvie


Get to know Anna

Age: 46

What quote do you live by?  
Do as you will be done by

Tell us one thing about you that surprises people? 
I once owned a snake

What is your guilty pleasure?
All American sitcoms

Which 3 adjectives best describe yourself? 
Patient, busy, caring

Which 3 people, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party and why? 
Michael.J Fox- a massive teenage crush. Richard Branson - He would be a good friend to have! and Michael Macintyre - just for the laughs.

What inspired you to want to help people through their transformations?
I would like people to know what I now know..that even making small changes to exercise and nutrition can have a huge impact on how you feel and look and live.

Why are you proud to be a part of Motus? 
The hardwork and determination of the Motus team has helped so many people to live happier,stronger and fitter lives and I am proud to be part of the Motus future helping to change the lives of many more people around the world. 

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