
Chocolate Protein Squares

Anna Ogilvie / 28 February 2025


1 cup pumpkin seeds ( any seeds or nuts will do - hazelnuts work really well!)
1 cup coconut oil or butter or cacao butter (I use a mixture of all of them and sometimes no cacao butter if I've run out!)
8 dessert spoons choc protein powder ( we have a plant based choc brownie flavour one which works well)
100g 85 or 90 % dark choc
2 tsp vanilla essence
2 table spoons maple syrup
1 cup dates ( soak in hot water for a few mins if a bit dry)

1.Melt the butter/oil/cacao butter and chocolate in a saucepan on a low heat
2.Blitz the dates and seeds until chopped but still chunky (if you prefer it smooth, more like a naked bar, then blitz the seeds first until a fine powder)
3. Add the protein powder, vanilla and maple syrup to the date mix and blitz for a few seconds.
4. Whilst blitzing slowly pour in the melted mixture to the date mixture.
5. Line a baking tin with baking parchment or well greased tin foil.
6. Pour ( well plop) into tin and use a spatula to gently spread and pat well to flatten so there are no cracks in the mixture
I make mine about 1/4 inch thick but its up to you!
7. Leave in the fridge to set ( or freezer for 20 mins if you need them in a hurry!)
8. Its best to score the top to mark out the squares after they've cooled for 10 mins as it makes them easier to break into squares later.

NB Its not an exact science- each batch comes out a little different but the more butter you add the fudgier it will be and will need to be kept cool or it will melt!
The more cocoa butter you add the harder the bar- which is better for school- not as melty!
I don't use nuts because of school!

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