
A “Change maker” for your health

DP / 9 December 2021
"I've been a gym go-er since I was at college and went for two reasons, to keep fit and to have a definite time to meet up and chat with my friend. 

Over the years the places and equipment changed but the basics stayed the same: keep fit so I could physically be able to do all I wanted and when possible to spend time with friends.

A few years ago I had a bad accident and as part of my rehab I met Darren. This has turned into one of the most positive relationships in respect to my health and well-being I have ever had. From helping me to feel confident walking again, to getting back into using the gym independently, to keep myself mobile but also so much more. 

The mindset that Darren brings has been the real change maker. Darren is constantly positive, seeing what has been
achieved and helping me find ways to do what brings me joy, from hill walking to body-boarding.

Recently I decided that one of the things I wanted to do (a long walk in Shropshire I'd seen on TV) needed more fitness, strength and stamina than I currently had and so I needed to bring a new focus to my training sessions. 

I'd heard from Darren about the M12 programme and we both thought it would be helpful for me as not only would my one-to-one coaching continue but to complement that I'd have the weekly mindset trainings to keep my focus and the online group classes I could join from home to improve my mobility. 

The weekly mindset training has been the biggest gain for me as it helps me hold my goals in focus, build up to them and see the link between achiveing them and what I do day in and day out. Having a set of definitive goals was also a huge help as "keeping fit" is a very ambiguous target and I've never known if I've reached "it" or not or, more importantly, how I'm getting on in relation to that moving target so it was easy to lose motivation and wonder what I was bothering for!

This year with the M12 programme I have been able to complete more workouts more consistently, (even through lockdowns), than ever before, I have a better understanding of myself through the Whoop data and have committed to better nutrition (actually planned a whole year's worth of meals!!).

The big test was going to the Shropshire hills for our holiday. The good news is that I had the best of times, we went walking most days and I was never short of energy or ability, in fact I wasn't the one looking for a short cut...! It's also been a real confidence booster, I feel much more positive about what I am able to do, for instance I said yes to stage managing an amateur production of Frankenstein, a role I've not done for over 15 years, which required a lot of time, energy and rush hour driving in the dark (which I've not done for many years and previously avoided) but this year I felt able to meet that challenge. I have met my goals of being fit enough to do what I enjoy and have
got to know new people from the online sessions but also so much more."

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