It's August, holiday-time. Hurrah! It's like the Universe gives us permission to peddle a little more slowly, or maybe even free-wheel?
Have you noticed how much time you spend in a state of anxiety or worry as opposed to relaxed? I know there have been many spells in my life when the ratio of worry vs relaxed has been very one-sided, and not in a positive way.
I'm a client here at Motus, as well as an Associate Coach. I've been working with Darren for nearly two years now and he does my Biosignature measurements roughly twice a month. Last Autumn, before I was going to head off for my first ever trip to New York, he highlighted a trend in my measurements which was an increase in the fat over my belly, and that having gone up, it wasn't shifting. It was showing constantly as the top (least helpful) fat storage site on my body. And he asked me what I was stressed about. He explained that the body stores fat over the umbilicus when it's in a state of anxiety (you'll have to ask him about the science) and what was going on that this was happening to me. I mean, we'd had summer, I should have been relaxed, I was off on holiday, blah blah blah – those were all the things I remember responding at the time.
Of course, there was an underlying issue, and it emerged whilst I was in New York, which surprised me when it bubbled to the surface. And it would have been really very helpful for me to explore the cause with another Coach when Darren highlighted the symptom and deal with it before it became more of a problem. I know, do as I do….
Imagine having a life where the ratio is permanently tipped the other way? When relaxed is your default state, of being the one person in the room who can respond ‘actually, I'm not worried about anything right now, and that feels really great.' What's causing your stress and what's stopping you from exploring it and letting it go?
You'll discover that I like music and often find tunes very helpful in creating a positive emotional state. Here's a blast from the past by Bobby McFerrin which is guaranteed to put a smile on your face ?