
Being seen out in public

DP / 10 August 2021

We've largely been hidden away and imprisoned in our homes for what feels like forever

Dressing down, covering up, in our own little cocoons - we can hide a lot on Zoom!

And behind masks

Something else that's happened is that we've lost some of our usual reference points for how we look physically 


For example when we go out to meet people socially, perhaps at an exercise class, or even at the school gates


Do you compare yourself to others???


I don't mind admitting that I do!


I want to be able to go on holiday this Summer, take my shirt off and not feel self-conscious


And who doesn't like it when people genuinely compliment them on their appearance???


Perhaps this all sounds vain and yes, of course, there is much more to health - at Motus we're all about “a wider concept of health”


But the reality is:

  • Our physique is a reflection of our lifestyle and our habits

  • Our physical health is the foundation of our mental health

And, (this is massive), how we look affects HOW WE FEEL


Which in turn affects EVERY AREA of our LIFE and EVERYONE AROUND us

Now we're allowed out again - whilst its great to see people and socialise - so many people have confided that at the same time it's a significant source of anxiety

Which will only be compounded if our clothes are a bit tighter than they used to be!

So if things have gone a bit softer than you might like over the last 12 months then we can help!

(And not only that, of course there's a whole host of other benefits that will come with being fitter and more healthy)

We have a 12 week programme called “Restart your Health” which could be just the thing.

If you're interested or have any questions, then email ollie@motustraining.co.uk

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