Every Monday and Friday I receive a motivational note from The Universe (aka Mike Dooley). Sometimes they are short and pithy, and sometimes they are deep and lengthy. This morning, my note was in the latter category.
And it arrived after a weekend of soul-searching: noticing things I hadn't been doing so well; repetitive patterns of unhelpful behaviour; some anxiety if I'm honest. It had been building for a while and it resulted in a bit of a relationship hiccup.
The weather really reflected my mood as I drove into Motus this morning. And then I opened today's Note from The Universe. I'll share it with you:
"Being spiritual means a good many things, Meriel, and most of them are misunderstood by a good many people. So to clarify, here's how I see "it" and you:
Being spiritual means seeing yourself as divine, not just of the divine; a creator, not just the created. You needn't be saved, forgiven, or fixed. You've already changed the world, added to its brilliance, and done enough. You're there because in some long forgotten time, you already earned your wings.
Of course, there are still challenges. You wanted it this way. It's part of your nature and they'll serve to make you even greater. In spite of these, you are still a winner, you are among the relative few who have been so bold, and today is part of your victory lap.
From a long time fan,
The Universe"
Straight away, it has caused me to think of all the positive things I've done, the things that have gone well, and also those that I'm yet to do.
Habitually I find we don't make the time to celebrate our successes. We carry on doing stuff, not stopping to review and embrace the achievements. And at the back end of November, with busy diaries ramping up towards Christmas, I thought I would challenge you to take five minutes and think about the small (or large) accomplishments, notice the feeling of success and achievement, and acknowledge it.
Congratulations to all you fabulous people out there :)