
Celebrating Client Success 22/7

LCM / 7 September 2022


Here are our favourite achievements from this week:

1. Involved his son with his training (and only showed off a little bit!)
2. Straight back into routines with no excuses following illness
3. Feeling happy just to get back into exercise after years of not training

Something I've loved over the last couple of weeks is so many of our clients involving their children in their health, fitness and coaching.

Some just watch (well, "O" is only 13 weeks old to be fair!) but many have joined in.

As you may know, at times in my life I've struggled with my health and fitness and also been considerably overweight.  I want to do everything I can to try and make sure my children don't have to go through the same difficulties and setting an example has to be one of the best ways to do that.

Watch this video and I'll explain a bit more.

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