
Endorphins? It just hurts

DP / 10 August 2021

In some ways this January is very different

In others, it's just the same

There's the burst of activity (solo or just with one other person, close to home of course) being posted on social media

Basking in the proclaimed “endorphin rush”

On one hand I think, “brilliant - and good on them for getting out and doing it”

As looking after our health and wellbeing is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER right now

But others tell me that they see these things and it makes them wonder why they don't feel the same?

“Why am I not motivated enough???”

“How come they can do it and I can't???”

“What's wrong with ME???”

Here's the reality:

❌ Most people will NOT keep it up

❌ We can very quickly lose focus on the endorphins and instead on the PAIN, on the other things we tell ourselves we “should” be doing instead

About all we've got to look forward to later is a salad

About how we'd rather have a cup of tea and a biscuit

Open a bottle of wine

The TRUTH is when you start exercising and making changes to your lifestyle, you can actually feel WORSE to begin with 

We haven't even got holidays to aim for really

“It's just not worth the time, money and energy” we'll tell ourselves

And we'll stop.  Again.

It's hard going it alone - especially at the moment

But there is another way….more on that soon.

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