I remember when I used to be/feel strong but 2 children and 10 years later I felt weak and disappointed in myself that I couldn't lift what I used to or run as far or even stay up past 9pm!
One month into the programme and I already have more energy, I feel more comfortable in my clothes and I feel stronger and empowered-I want more!
I know that the really significant changes I am working towards will take some more time , but I am really happy with how much better I feel so soon.
So far the most challenging part was actually getting back to it, making a start, taking back control and deciding to give my health the attention it so needed.
So how do I feel now? Better! My posture has improved, my back ache has gone. I have more energy in the evenings so I can meet up with friends or go for a walk, I might even make it to 10pm soon!
….And don't tell anyone but I am actually feeling a little bit pleased with myself!