
From burnout to cooking on gas: how Joe increased his energy levels by 70%

DP / 13 May 2021

Feeling burnt out and or low on energy?

Let me introduce you to Joe - he felt like that too

Joe started working with us through a coaching programme we were running for the company he works for (kudos to them by the way for investing in their people!) and it came at the perfect time…

Joe had been really struggling with his energy levels to the point where the doctor had diagnosed a “burnout”.  Unfortunately, that was as far as the doctor's help went.

We hear this quite a lot so it's not a surprise and it's not their fault - crazy as it sounds coaching people on their health, nutrition and lifestyle is simply not part of their training

(I wonder how many other people feel like Joe but don't get the support they need either from their employer or their doctor?  Or, end up on medications unnecessarily when the root causes could be to do with nutrition and lifestyle?)

>>> You can listen to Joe's story in his own words here <<<

We worked with Joe on a combination of aspects of physical health and mindset, and I'm delighted to say that within 6 months he's well and truly “got his mojo back”!

In fact, he now has 70% more energy 

(Imagine what would you do with 70% more energy?)

A massive congratulations to Joe. We're really proud of all the work he's put in to achieve what he as and looking forward to supporting him go from strength to strength.

If you'd like to find out more about how we can help you recover from burnout or get your mojo back and have 70% more energy, comment below/reply to this email

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