
Health and Performance Newsletter-Every day is a new opportunity

Darren Putt / 18 January 2025

January is the biggest time when people embark on a journey of change with their health

The beginning of a New Year is a natural to reinvent ourselves; a milestone, a landmark - “New Year - New You” has become a bit of a cliché

In the mainstream fitness industry, I'm told so much rides on January (and signing up members not really caring if they come, or stick to the programme, or really change) that it can make or break the year

But pushing this on people makes it worse, as it's not the only time for us to reinvent ourselves

We can create our own line in the sand and any effort to better ourselves, to improve our health and to upgrade our performance, I believe, is to be encouraged

> Every new decade

> Every new quarter

> Every new season

> Every new month

> Every new moon

> Every new week

> Every Thursday (because why not?!)

> Every new day is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves

 - The next birthday

 - The next major life event

 - The next health scare

 - The next sporting challenge

 - The next night out

 - The next meal

Imagine if we made even just small improvements every time we crossed one of those milestones…?

If you'd decided 2025 was going to be “it”, and for whatever reason it's not gone to plan, you don't need to wait until next January

If you struggle to keep up a new regime for more than a week - just start a new one every week!

Use whatever arbitrary point in time - use them all if needs be

But the key is not to delay - use the next opportunity to improve and take action

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