Jess's story part one
After having had my second baby I really wanted to get back in shape and also wanted to find a way to feel healthier and have more energy. With a toddler and a baby at home I found that it was almost impossible to do any exercise. I couldn't head out in the day to exercise as I had the children. In the evening when my husband was home I was always too tired to go to the gym and even walking the dog was at my toddler's pace.
Some good friends of ours who had been training with Motus for several years recommended them to us so my husband and I had a consultation with him. Motus's approach sounded fantastic – a bespoke training programme that would be perfectly suited to me as well as lots of advice on general lifestyle, nutrition and health. Motus use a variety of methods to design the programme and was able to give lots of really sound nutrition advice based on my body type and my Biosignature measurements. During this consultation, my husband was so impressed that he decided to sign up too and also followed a successful training programme designed for him by Motus.
I have always been quite active and tried to take regular exercise but with Motus's training programme I really felt that the exercises were perfectly suited to me and also challenged me at just the right level. It wasn't always easy but I know that if it had been down to just me (if for example I was working out on my own in a gym) I know I wouldn't have stretched myself nearly as much as I did in these sessions.
It wasn't long before my body fat began to reduce and I was feeling fitter, stronger and had more energy. It was the same for my husband.