
Keeping up your routines during School Holidays

ER / 30 June 2022

Keeping up your routines during School Holidays

: "Hi Emma!"

Emma: “Hi Mrs. Anon", after our session today lets synchronise diaries for the next couple of months”

Me: "Oh, yes of course…actually I've been meaning to talk to you about that.  I'm away a bit in the school holidays and I'll have the kids of course so I might need to pause my programme"

Emma: "Understood.  We've got a lot of clients in the same boat.  Let's get you moving today and leave a bit of time at the end of the session to make a plan together"

This was the conversation I had with Emma today. TBH I was avoiding having the summer holiday conversation as I felt a bit guilty about not wanting to stop because of the school holidays  

I've been feeling the benefits of my training and don't want to go backwards, but I always find the Summer holidays tricky with holidays, days out and wanting to spend time with my children.  It all gets a bit difficult so in the past I've accepted my health and exercise has to take a backseat until September.  I also was feeling guilty as I didn't want to let Emma down by chopping and changing our appointments so I thought it would probably be best all round if we hit pause until the kids go back to school.

We got through the training session - it was quite hard but I felt good afterwards (perhaps I'm getting a bit stronger?) - then I sat down outside in the sunshine with Emma and she said: “Right, let's make a plan for the Summer.  You've made a great start and it's really important we keep up the momentum and keep you feeling good”

“I just think it's going to be really difficult with running the kids around everywhere…”

“I know exactly what you mean.  It's up to us to be as flexible as we can with you - that's our commitment to you.  Here are a few options for how we can work around it and we're open to any other suggestions you have to.

  1. Bring the kids with you.  Plenty of our clients do this, some of them sit in one of the offices and do colouring or play on their tablets.  Also - and this is a new thing we're trying this Summer - you've met Ellie?  With a bit of notice we can arrange for Ellie to watch the kids for you either here or she'll take them off on a walk whilst we train

  1. Let's get the kids involved!  Some of them really love joining in the exercise sessions, learning how to exercise properly - and what a great example to set.  Yes it might mean it's not as focused for you as normal - and it's not 100% “you time”, but maybe it's a good compromise over the next few weeks.

  1. If it's more a question of timings, we can change your days and times to work around everything else that's going on - it really is no problem

  1. Finally, you can always join more of the online sessions too”

I have to say I was surprised and actually strangely excited (perhaps relieved?!)

Perhaps I wouldn't have to lose the little bit of fitness and strength I'd built up (and add back a few pounds) but I guess it's another benefit of joining somewhere like Motus rather than a normal gym.

The upshot is there are lots of options so we're going to work out a plan.  I don't have to press pause after all!

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