
M - Anon A - Part 4

ER / 6 July 2022

M-Anon A

Here's Part 4 of my diary about my experience on Restart Your Health.

I would love to tell you that it's all been amazing and I'm now the fittest, strongest and healthiest I've ever been…but that's not the case.

As I mentioned in my last diary piece, life has been very full-on recently and its felt like a bit of a battle.

I've been beating myself up a bit but then I remembered that this is the exact reason I decided to enrol - I was struggling for consistency with my health and in particular my exercise.

And guess what?  That hasn't changed.  If anything life has actually been more hectic and thinking about it, I actually believe that if I wasn't on this programme it would have all gone to *h!t over the last few weeks and I may well have not managed to do any exercise at all and have let my nutrition slide even further.

So…I've resolved to stick with it and (try) not to be so hard on myself and build things up step by step.  This is about my long-term health after all and not some fad.

What I will say is that there's no pressure from Motus/Andrew; it's all very constructive about how we can find workarounds and being really flexible, which I really appreciate.

Onwards and upwards…

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