
Omega 3 and fish oil

OH / 29 May 2019

I'm not drinking fish oil, that sounds awful!

It's mentioned a lot on TV but what does it actually do and do I need to supplement my diet with it?

Unlike magnesium, Omega 3 is used as quite a buzzword in health and fitness - especially in the media and on adverts and for good reason too!

What is it?

Omega 3 is a group of essential fatty acids known as ALA, EHA and DHA that we need to consume from our diet.

Why does our body need it?

Our body cannot produce some essential fatty acids, Omega 3 being one of them. These essential fatty acids are important because these fats make up the membranes around all the cells in our body, are in high concentrations in our retina (eye), help our heart, brain and immune system and improves our balance of good and bad cholesterol.

Where do I get it from?

It is no secret that we can assume our required amount of Omega 3 from eating oily fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, sablefish (black cod), anchovies, albacore tuna) around 2-3 times per week. If you don't like fish, it is also found in nuts and some oils.


The benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are vast and help support optimal health. Omega 3 has been proven to help fight depression and anxiety, improve eye health, improve risk factors of heart disease, reduce symptoms of ADHD, fight inflammation, fight age-related decline diseases such as alzheimer's, improve bone and joint health, support better sleep and promotes good skin health.

Facts about Omega 3:

  • UK consumption of Omega 3 is particularly low with the average person eating less than half the required amount


How can I take it?

Omega 3 is a widely available supplement that can be taken orally as a capsule or liquid and is commonly seen as Cod liver oil in most health shops. New vegan alternatives of Omega 3 are also being developed so those of you who may think fish are friends and not food, ask us for some more advice.

We use Nutri Advanced as a source of supplements and you can message for a discount code or any questions.

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