
On the other side

DP / 19 June 2015

I spend a lot of my time coaching, teaching or instructing, so it's always really interesting and beneficial for me to be on “the other side”; to be taught or coached myself.


As a bit of a control freak I probably don't do this nearly enough!


I've recently resurrected my golf career which never really got started last time .

Having not played for 3 years unfortunately my swing was more McEnroe than McIlroy!


So I decided to take lessons with a professional.  I could have taught myself I suppose but I thought it would take too long, I might give up before I can play a half decent round or by not learning how to do it the right way (for me that is), I'll probably be putting a limit on how good I can be (and not a very high one!)


You see I want to get good pretty quickly - as in good enough to be able to play with friends and not hold things up too much and embarrass myself.


Losing weight, getting fit or changing your lifestyle is similar in many ways.  It's a skill that can be learned then embedded as a series of habits.  It will be much easier to do and you'll have a much greater chance of success with some professional guidance.


Just like on the practice ground trying to straighten out my hook!


p.s. If anyone would like some golf lessons I can recommend Fred at Stratford Golf Club


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