Hi all,
Our national obsession
Our favourite topic for smalltalk
I bet you've had loads of conversations about the weather over the last few days as it has barely stopped raining for the last week!
Yes, it's pretty Sh1t!
But is it that unusual in the UK?
What baffles me about it is how we let it affect our mood and our motivation
Before I ruffle any feathers, I don't wish to make light of SAD at all
At Motus we understand what a huge part of health our mindset is
It's a big part of what we do
But suddenly when it's raining everyone seems to experience some form of SAD…
Maybe it becomes contagious because we talk about it all the time?!
Maybe it's a learned behaviour as it's what hear all around us?
Or is the weather just another convenient excuse?
Are we really going to allow something completely beyond our control to dictate how we feel and what we do?
Here are 3 ways you can shift your mood in an instant:
Move! Go for a walk (put on a coat, use an umbrella), do some squats, some press ups, go up and down the stairs a few times, dance...whatever. This works every time.
Think about something else. Talk about something else. FOCUS on something else.
Ask yourself: “What's good about it?” We're getting some plastering done at short notice because the guy can't do another rendering job! Plants grow. Duck's like it. The sound of heavy rain when your indoors? Actually being out in it (and not caring) can be invigorating
There are so many things that affect our underlying mood and mindset
Sleep, what we eat, our level of physical activity are the big ones
We find with our clients that if we can consistently work on these things, they're affected less by the small, everyday stuff
The things we can't control
They're like water off a duck's back!