
Protein Based Breakfast

DP / 4 June 2015

It seems all the mainstream diets are recommending more protein and fewer carbohydrates now - with the exception of anything Kellogg's is involved in!

(I was once at a nutrition seminar and the speaker said you would be better off eating the cereal box - its more nutritions?)

When a client comes to us to lose weight loss, feel healthier and have more energy often the first thing we work on is breakfast.


We find it's arguably the change that produces the biggest result, so if you only change one thing, this is the one to go for.

So what should I eat?

We recommend a protein based breakfast

Why is that better?

In our experience, even if you change nothing else, you will lose weight, eat better for the rest of the day, have more energy and be more mentally alert

But I don't have time in the morning?

The challenge is we are used to having nothing at all or the speed and convenience of pouring out some cereal, splashing on some milk and running out of the door.

We understand it's not usually possible to have a leisurely, mindful [buzz word!] breakfast where you savour every mouthful (we're usually at work between 6 and 7am) so we will also help you  plan in advance, find the foods that you like and are going to work for you, and shop well. so you can be as time efficient as possible.

Will it take a few minutes more?  Yes it will, but the return on that investment in terms of energy, weight loss and eating better later in the day is more than worthwhile

Can you invest 10 mins?

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