
Someone in your corner

OH / 20 October 2021

Today I want to celebrate Gill's story with you

Gill joined Motus because like many busy Mum's and business owners struggled to prioritise her own health 

She noticed her confidence in the way she looked and mood were low and that weight had been creeping on over the last few years.

11 months on and she has…

  • Lost 7.9kg (17.4lbs) and can now make use of her whole wardrobe! 

  • Increased her strength and as a result feels more energetic during the day and can do more of the things she wants to do

Amazing results I'm sure you'll agree!

So how did she do it?

Firstly she trusted the process of working with her coach and they agreed small, incremental and manageable changes to her daily nutrition

Contrary to common ‘diet-culture' belief, Gill in fact INCREASED the amount of food she was eating and focused on the composition and nutritional value of her meals to provide the energy she needed, keep her fuller for longer and not needing to grab snacks on the go.

In terms of exercise, Gill has been working with her coach on improving her shoulder mobility, regaining flexibility and strength in her lower body after previous injuries and increasing her stamina during exercise. 

And also been following a routine agreed with her coach in between her sessions

By combining the correct fuelling with strength and mobility training Gill can now do 10 push-ups

“Motus have helped me get stronger, become more mobile and lose weight”. 

Possibly the most impressive aspect of Gill's journey so far has been her consistency (if there really was one, consistency would be the secret to long-term health results) 

You can see Gill's incredibly consistent weight loss below:

How has Gill been so consistent over 6 months?

We worked with Gill's current lifestyle, time constraints, and commitments to find an approach that works for her.  The relationship with her coach has been crucial:

“She and the team at Motus have a fabulous balance of pushing us hard whilst empathising with our natural desire to avoid hard work! They are serious-minded about helping me achieve my goals but do so in a relaxed and collegiate way - with them, I feel there is someone in my corner.”

Not only has Gill had fantastic results herself, but her husband (who also entrusts us with his health!) has now lost over 10kg, and got incredibly fit and strong over the same period of time too.

They've been so delighted they've also invested in coaching programmes (as gifts) to support their children, whose routines have been severely disrupted by the Covid situation, and recommended us to work colleague too

Well done Gill!

we're all very proud of all you have achieved, the way you embody the Motus approach, and have taken ownership of your health.

We all need someone in our corner!

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