I love to hear people have decided to do something to improve their health
Whether it's taking up running, or even going on a “diet”
(Yes, even though we're about lifestyle change rather than dieting at Motus if taking actions means they've recognised there's a problem and have taken action - they want to change)
I think, “brilliant - and good on them for getting out and doing it”
After all, if this pandemic business has taught us anything (besides don't have a camera in your office!) it's that we need to take personal responsibility for our health - that's the best way to protect ourselves from any kind of health challenge
A little piece of me is a bit sad though, as I know that the facts are that nearly every new start with health and fitness is very likely to falter within just a few weeks...
Here's the reality:
- Most people will NOT keep it up
- We can very quickly lose focus on the endorphins and instead focus on the “pain”; the hard work, the struggle, the deprivation
- We'll tell ourselves we're far too busy - there are so many other things we “should” be doing instead right now
- “Now is just not the right time; I'll start again when….
After all, “all I've got to look forward to later is a salad”
“And I've been running twice now and I'm still fat”
“I'd rather have a cup of tea and a biscuit”
“Open a bottle of wine later - 2 runs? I deserve it!”
The TRUTH is when you start exercising and making changes to your lifestyle, you can actually feel WORSE to begin with
“It's just not worth the time, money and energy” we'll tell ourselves
And we'll stop. Again.
It's hard going it alone
But there is another way….more on that soon.