
The importance of regularly reviewing progress

DP / 14 October 2021

Sometimes it feels like the weeks fly by and before we know it, another week, even a month, or more, has passed!

That's why in order to be successful with improving our health it's really important to take a few minutes to reflect on the week that has just gone by and to plan the week ahead.

(Over the year's many clients have called this sorting their Sh*t out!)

Each week so that we can learn, course-correct, and maintain momentum with our health and wellbeing.  It also serves as an opportunity to give ourselves a pat on the back for the things we're doing well...which is something we probably don't do enough!

Here's a simple form we've created for you to walk you through the process.  It takes 5 minutes maximum but I guarantee it will save you even MORE time next week...

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