
Tip of the week July 2022

AJM / 12 April 2023

Here are our top 3 nutrition tips: For better sleep

Avoid eating a large meal in the 2 hours before bed -If you eat a large meal close to when you go to sleep your body will still be digesting this meal rather than going into normal patterns associated with sleep. This can not only make it difficult to get to sleep but also affect sleep quality.

Avoid alcohol before bed - Most people think alcohol helps them get to sleep, and this may be the case as alcohol is a sedative. However, sedation is not the same as sleep! Even a very small amount of alcohol almost always impacts the quality of your sleep and can mean not being 100% refreshed the next day.

Improve your nutrition generally - Simply put, when we eat better, we sleep better. Prioritise protein, healthy fats and keeping your blood sugar and energy stable.

Ever wondered why you feel hungry after a bad nights sleep? Amy explains why: Why am I hungry after a bad nights sleep?

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