Sugar - We all know sugar adds nothing to our nutrition, but it also makes important proteins and lipids in our body sticky. This produces what are known as advanced glycation end products, which doesn't shorten to ‘ages' for no reason. They are heavily implicated in ageing and the developments of many degenerative diseases.
Industrial seed oils - These polyunsaturated oils such as sunflower, margarine and vegetable oil are anything but healthy for us. They are highly inflammatory and very unstable, meaning they'll easily go rancid and release free radicals into your body.
Flour - Research is increasingly indicating that refined flour is linked to many health concerns such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer, and with no real benefits, it makes sense to just avoid it. Get your carbs from whole fruits and starchy tubers where you'll also get a good dose of fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
For more tips on nutrition visit our top hints and tips article: Hints and tips