
Topsy Turvey

AJM / 25 April 2022

Hi all,

The last 18 months have brought immense pressure on us in all sorts of ways

Our habits, our routines - our whole way of life - has been disrupted and interrupted many times over

For many of us our physical and mental health has suffered

Motivation has been hard to come by and we've reached for comfort.

It's completely understandable

And it's been easy to think “why bother?” at times

People tell me they are:

  • Feeling TIRED
  • Lacking ENERGY
  • Feeling UNFIT
  • Feeling STIFF and SORE from working at the dining room table
  • Feeling WEAK
  • OVERWHELMED by the whole situation

It's not that some people weren't feeling that way before

But it's got worse and it can't go on.

So what to do?

We're big believers in getting back to basics - the fundamentals of health and wellbeing

In fact, this philosophy underpins our 3 main coaching programmes:

30 Day Health Insight's Programme  (£495)

Restart your Health (from £995)

M12 Lifestyle Coaching Programme (from £2395 per year)

Whilst the fundamentals don't change, one thing that has is that all of them can now be done 100% online, (or in-person if you're local to us), or a combination of both to suit your lifestyle - and this is what we're seeing more of.

Now I know online isn't for everyone, but it has opened people's minds…

SP: “I have realised that I need to exercise as this helps my general mental and physical wellbeing. It also improves my posture and gives me a sense of achievement”

AO: “I feel calmer because I feel like I can recognize stress and look at situations differently. I'm aware of how fatigue and stress build up and I know now to have a break whereas before I'd work through until I get injured or burnout”

TP: “Over the 30 Days, I have put a regular routine in place that has become part of the norm”

These are just a few of many who have chosen to prioritise their health this year and start their journey with us...

So if anything I've mentioned resonates with you, then you too can make a change NOW.

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>  Nutrition
Chocolate Protein Squares

Anna Ogilvie / 28 February 2025

Take our free health & lifestyle assessment start now

Interested in finding out more? Contact us for further information, to arrange a consultation or request a brochure.

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