Motus Training founder, Darren Putt, has been helping people with their health and fitness for almost 10 years. Over that time Darren and the Motus Team have worked with many clients who play golf at various competitive levels and for leisure. They have consistently produced amazing results both for the individual and for their game.
In this special report, Darren shares with you some of the most effective exercises and tips you can use to improve your golf and get even more enjoyment from the hobby you love.
?Many people who play think the only way to improve their golf is to play more - practice more. Whilst, of course, practice is important, if we look at the movements and elements of fitness that golf requires, there are a number of ways we can help you improve much more quickly. From working with a range of golf players, I have been able to identify key muscle groups to train and strengthen along with areas that can become inflexible and dysfunctional if not attended to. Also, through our work with a PGA Golf Professional, we have found that many technical problems with someone's swing are often linked to a physical limitation in strength and/or flexibility. Our knowledge base has allowed many of our clients to take their golf to a new level?.
Chris Rose is a PGA Golf Professional Instructor at Feldon Valley Golf Club who specialises in video-based swing analysis.
?A golf swing is an extremely powerful movement that requires the right type of strength and flexibility in certain areas of the body. Good technique is essential to achieving distance and accuracy. Many golfers have physical limitations due to injuries, lack of mobility or lack of strength. As a modern golf coach, it is important to understand the importance of improving a player's physical condition to aid their technique. The Motus team are able to provide my clients with golf specific exercises, sports massage and fitness programmes to build a good foundation for an effective technique.?
1) Add 10% to your driving distance.
Conditioning the glutes with exercises like squats and deadlifts is key to introducing more power into the golf swing.The Glutes (bottom) are the power muscle for golf. Stretching the opposite muscles (hip flexors) will give the glutes more chance to work more efficiently.
2) Reduce Back Pain.
Deadlifts and Good Mornings are the best exercises for strengthening your lower back. Seek expert instruction before attempting these as technique is very important. Improved postural alignment, core stability and stronger glutes will protect the lower back. With improved alignment, the repetitive action of the golf swing will cause less pressure on the lower back.
3) Stop ?Chicken Winging?!
A variety of the squat called the Front Squat, where the weight is placed on the front of your shoulders rather than behind your neck, is ideal for this. Also, most golfers need to stretch their chest and the front of their shoulders. This will improve flexibility/range of motion and lead to a more efficient golf swing. Strengthening the external rotators of the shoulder will mean fewer compensations such as the classic ?chicken winging?.
4) Rotate Better.
Woodchops are a recommended exercise for improved flexibility and strengthening muscles around the hip/pelvis which will improve movement and enable increases in rotational movement.
5) Running out of steam towards the end of a round ? Part 1.
Your scores can be improved considerably just by losing weight, toning up and improving all-round fitness. If you are carrying a few extra pounds, losing weight will reduce fatigue and pressure on your joints. Also, improving endurance will help you to maintain correct posture and technique on the later holes of a round.
6) Running out of steam towards the end of a round ? Part 2.
Learn how to eat and drink correctly to stay hydrated and to maintain energy levels, focus and concentration throughout the round and this will undoubtedly help your scoring.
7) Have regular Sports Massage.
Certain muscle groups are prone to tightness from any activity you do on a regular basis. One of the best ways to alleviate these before they cause injuries is to have regular sports massage. Common muscle groups affected are the hip flexors, lower or mid-back, calves and ilio-tibial band (the outside of your thigh).
Darren and the team at the Motus Training studio are dedicated to offering the best possible Personal Training and Nutrition services to help you transform your body, fitness levels and health. Get in touch with us to arrange a free consultation to discuss your needs: please call 01789 450 141 or email darren@motustraining.co.uk