Try, Try, Try Again
a couple of months since we made our New Year Resolutions, and to add
insult to injury, we are now in Lent. How are you doing? Are you
sticking with all your resolutions?
My thought process at the moment is about perseverance. So I suppose it is sort of related to resolutions (or resolve...). Have you noticed that in this day and age, if we don't achieve what we want, there are so many alternatives, that we simply switch to something else, rather than persevering with the original objective? I know, a deep thought about our disposable culture.
recently reached a plateau point in my own journey to become fit and
svelte. The going got tough and I had reached a milestone that I'd set
at the beginning, which was to be able to buy clothes in an ordinary
clothes shop (as opposed to a plus-size outlet). Mentally, I gave up a
A friend drew my attention to this video on YouTube. I love the way that the mouse eventually stops trying the same tactic, goes and has a look above, and then changes it's approach, and succeeds. Now that's what I call perseverance!
I needed was to set some new goals, and find something positive on
which to focus my attention. Hey presto, I'm back in the zone and am
heading towards the next milestone at speed.
So, if you started down a particular path, and stopped, I wonder whether you will choose to discover what stopped you on that path.... or not? It's the path you want to be on, it's just that it's got a bit steep and has some rocky patches.
So, if you started down a particular path, and stopped, I wonder whether you will choose to discover what stopped you on that path.... or not? It's the path you want to be on, it's just that it's got a bit steep and has some rocky patches.
Imagine the feeling of achievement and satisfaction to get to the end of that path and reach your next destination.
Feels great, doesn't it?
Meriel Swain
01386 701591
07793 201323