Wellbeing Programmes
This might seem like a strange title for an article given that we design and deliver well-being Programmes to companies
Investing in wellbeing and “raising awareness” is quite fashionable and of the moment. There has been a huge amount of time, quite rightly devoted to mental health.
But is this something you think you “should” be doing, or something you truly believe in?
If it's a box ticking exercise✅
If it's just about “awareness”
It's a step forward, but it's missing an opportunity.
The health and energy of your people are crucial to the performance of your business
So it's missing an opportunity to use that as a competitive advantage.
It's quite hard to put a £ or $ figure on the ROI for investing in wellbeing programmes, but more data in coming out ranging from 2.5 X to 10 X.
In reality I'm sure it's closer to that latter as many of the benefits are and will remain near-impossible to measure, but as a leader, you will feel it and you will know it.
And it's also missing the opportunity to do the right thing as a business.
Here are a few of our recommendations to make the most of your wellbeing initiatives
Consistent messaging over time
Focus on health as a wider concept - not just physical
Include follow up and accountability
Ensure your people understand why you are doing it - and for it be true!
Focus on creating real, long-lasting behaviour change - new habits
Blend health and wellbeing into your culture
Ensure they are not viewed as a “weight loss” or “fitness” programme only - you risk only benefiting those who are working on their health and fitness already
We're looking to work with more businesses who are on board with that message.
So if it's time for your business to do more to support the all-round health of your people, get in touch!