Often when people have begun to make changes to their food and exercise, a few weeks in, something happens
The initial enthusiasm has subsided a bit, the focus starts to wander
They will think or say something like:
“I'm bored with my food - I think I just need a bit more variety”
I understand why
Marketing messages tell us we should be eating a “balanced and varied diet”
(Still no-one actually agrees what a balanced and varied diet is by the way)
But if we look a bit closer I do find this a little strange
Many people have eaten the same breakfast cereal for 23 years straight
Maybe they switch things up at lunchtime occasionally by branching out into a different sandwich filling
But if we look at our nutrition habits objectively you will see we tend to eat the same things over and over
Is this a bad thing?
Of course ultimately it's good to try new foods and get as many different nutrients as possible (and there can be problems with eating the same foods over and over)
But first things first
If you are trying to change your lifestyle or lose some weight
You don't need to eat a different breakfast everyday
Or have 7 different types of green leaves with your dinner
If you analyse the habits of most people who have been successful - with pretty much anything - not just their health, guess what you see?
Repetition, repetition, repetition
Maybe this sounds boring?
But it gets results
Especially in the initial stages
Too many choices are usually more of a problem than too few
Adding more variety is a development for later on when the initial changes have become...habits
So if you're hearing a voice saying, “I'm bored, I need more variety” just double check
Do you really, or might it be better just to push on for a while yet?