
With the day I’ve had it would have been so easy to cancel

DP / 11 October 2019

“It would have been so easy to cancel, go home and have a beer”

Said one of our clients the other day when arriving at the studio

Sure we've all had that feeling before:

The day doesn't go to plan

>Problems at work

>People not doing what they said they would

>Things going wrong

>Systems breaking down

>Inbox filling up faster that you can empty it

>Phone ringing relentlessly

>People wanting your attention, wanting you to make the decisions

You feel like you've been bled dry of energy - the last thing you want to do is to go and do some exercise.

You want to go home, shut the door on the world, switch your phone off, switch your brain off,  pour yourself a glass of something cold and collapse on the sofa.

Maybe order a takeaway - you can't be bothered to cook after today.  Maybe treat yourself to some dessert? Some chocolate?

You deserve it.

Watch some mindless rubbish on TV?


You've made a COMMITMENT - you have an appointment - so you go along.

You get started, get moving, (part of you still yearning for the comfy sofa at home!).

Thinking this is going to be the longest, hardest, most painful training session ever.

You chew the ear off your trainer for a while.

And before you know it, you're quite into it...it feels good!

You take a bit of aggression out lifting those weights and work up a bit of a sweat.

The endorphins kick in.

Then your done and it wasn't so bad after all.

“I actually feel much better than when I arrived”

Everything else that happened during the day suddenly doesn't seem quite so bad.  You even crack a smile and share a joke!

Time to head home: you're feeling good knowing that you still did it - even when you didn't feel like it.

Despite having had a sh1t day you've achieved something positive.

“I'll have some of that food I have left-over then I'd better get an early night tonight”

“I wont have a drink - want be be clear-headed - need to be one my A-game tomorrow”

I bet the next day was different too.

This is the knock-on effect of having an appointment to go to

A routine.  A schedule. ACCOUNTABILITY

Of course you benefit from the exercise itself, but it's the other decisions you then make as a result and how they compound.

The combined impact on your MINDSET and OUTLOOK

For these reasons working on your health with a coach or a trainer (online or in person) can often become a CRUCIAL PART of people's lives

For some it can be completely LIFE CHANGING

If you're ready to change your life and TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH

Comment below and we'll message you to organise a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION

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