
"makes you want to keep on top of your plan even more and keeps you accountable." - Nick's Story

OH / 17 April 2020

    "I wanted straight talking pragmatic advice. In my case listening to where I was, where I wanted to get too and my own lifestyle limitations on time - working away, working odd hours, travelling, family commitments, the list goes on. 

    Firstly, Motus listen, don't judge and don't preach. I cannot go to Motus studio to train as I do not live close by, I like to train remotely at home or when working away to maximise my time. Motus were flexible in their approach and advice to suit my needs whilst focusing on my goals and objectives. In the nearly 7 years, I have been with Motus I can honestly say that they have supported me through lots of life's ups and downs with

    • Building Strength

    • Improving my fitness and endurance

    • Flexibility - the most challenging part of fitness for me but so beneficial!

    • Improved nutrition based around my personal health issues 

    • Improved mental health and well being

    • increased confidence

    • a reduction in anxiety - I am more equipped to cope with what life throws at me than I have ever been

    • Being in the shape of my life as I just pass 50


    If only this support had been available in my 20's!


    Over the last couple of years, Motus have introduced their app, which makes it really easy to stay focused and track your progress with exercise, nutrition and lifestyle - it actually makes you want to keep on top of your plan even more and keeps you accountable."


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